The exec
Singularity sub-command allows you to spawn an arbitrary command within your container image as if it were running directly on the host system. All standard IO, pipes, and file systems are accessible via the command being exec’ed within the container. Note that this exec is different from the Docker exec, as it does not require a container to be “running” before using it.
The usage is as follows:
USAGE: singularity [...] exec [exec options...] <container path> <command>
This command will allow you to execute any program within the given
container image.
-B/--bind <spec> A user-bind path specification. spec has the format
src[:dest[:opts]], where src and dest are outside and
inside paths. If dest is not given, it is set equal
to src. Mount options ('opts') may be specified as
'ro' (read-only) or 'rw' (read/write, which is the
default). This option can be called multiple times.
-c/--contain This option disables the automatic sharing of writable
filesystems on your host (e.g. $HOME and /tmp).
-C/--containall Contain not only file systems, but also PID and IPC
-e/--cleanenv Clean environment before running container
-H/--home <spec> A home directory specification. spec can either be a
src path or src:dest pair. src is the source path
of the home directory outside the container and dest
overrides the home directory within the container
-i/--ipc Run container in a new IPC namespace
-p/--pid Run container in a new PID namespace
--pwd Initial working directory for payload process inside
the container
-S/--scratch <path> Include a scratch directory within the container that
is linked to a temporary dir (use -W to force location)
-u/--user Try to run completely unprivileged (only works on very
new kernels/distros)
-W/--workdir Working directory to be used for /tmp, /var/tmp and
$HOME (if -c/--contain was also used)
-w/--writable By default all Singularity containers are available as
read only. This option makes the file system accessible
as read/write.
*.img This is the native Singularity image format for all
Singularity versions 2.x.
*.sqsh SquashFS format, note the suffix is required!
*.tar* Tar archives are exploded to a temporary directory and
run within that directory (and cleaned up after).
Compression suffixes as '.gz' and 'bz2' are supported.
directory/ Container directories that contain a valid root file
$ singularity exec /tmp/Debian.img cat /etc/debian_version
$ singularity exec /tmp/Debian.img python ./
$ cat | singularity exec /tmp/Debian.img python
$ sudo singularity exec --writable /tmp/Debian.img apt-get update
Printing the OS release inside the container:
$ singularity exec container.img cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie)"
NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="8 (jessie)"
Special Characters
And properly passing along special characters to the program within the container.
$ singularity exec container.img echo -ne "hello\nworld\n\n"
And a demonstration using pipes:
$ cat debian.def | singularity exec container.img grep 'MirrorURL'
MirrorURL ""
A Python example
Starting with the file
in the current directory with the contents of:
import sys
print("Hello World: The Python version is %s.%s.%s" % sys.version_info[:3])
Because our home directory is automatically bound into the container, and we are running this from our home directory, we can easily execute that script using the Python within the container:
$ singularity exec /tmp/Centos7-ompi.img /usr/bin/python
Hello World: The Python version is 2.7.5
We can also pipe that script through the container and into the Python binary which exists inside the container using the following command:
$ cat | singularity exec /tmp/Centos7-ompi.img /usr/bin/python
Hello World: The Python version is 2.7.5
For demonstration purposes, let’s also try to use the latest Python container which exists in DockerHub to run this script:
$ singularity exec docker://python:latest /usr/local/bin/python
Downloading layer: sha256:a3ed95caeb02ffe68cdd9fd84406680ae93d633cb16422d00e8a7c22955b46d4
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Downloading layer: sha256:a3ed95caeb02ffe68cdd9fd84406680ae93d633cb16422d00e8a7c22955b46d4
Downloading layer: sha256:a3ed95caeb02ffe68cdd9fd84406680ae93d633cb16422d00e8a7c22955b46d4
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Downloading layer: sha256:a3ed95caeb02ffe68cdd9fd84406680ae93d633cb16422d00e8a7c22955b46d4
Downloading layer: sha256:a3ed95caeb02ffe68cdd9fd84406680ae93d633cb16422d00e8a7c22955b46d4
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Downloading layer: sha256:6a5a5368e0c2d3e5909184fa28ddfd56072e7ff3ee9a945876f7eee5896ef5bb
Hello World: The Python version is 3.5.2