Singularity Featured on RCE Podcast

The RCE podcast does a special on Singularity Brock Palen and Jeff Squyres speak with Gregory Kurtzer about Singularity a container solution for HPC and research environments. Singularity allows a non-privileged user to "swap out" the operating system on the host for one they control....

Chris Gorgolweski - Neurohackweek - Docker for scientists

In this presentation, Chris describes using Docker for reproducible science and then how to convert to Singularity when you want to run it on an HPC resource (because Docker is not supported on traiditional HPC).

Linux Container Workshop, Singularity Q&A - ISC 2016

This was a Q&A hosted at the International Super Computing conference after a Linux Container Workshop hosted by Christian Kniep.

Singularity 2.0 Introduction Video

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